Getting Your Charges Reduced or Dismissed

Criminal Charge are Not Always Right

In Texas, there are several ways to reduce or dismiss criminal charges. One common method is through a plea bargain. In this situation, you agree to plead guilty to a lesser charge in exchange for a lighter sentence. Another option is to challenge the evidence against you. If you can show that the evidence was collected unfairly or without proper cause, the court might dismiss the case.

You can also file pre-trial motions, which are requests made before the trial starts. For example, you can ask the court to exclude certain evidence, which might weaken the prosecution’s case. If this is your first offense, you might be eligible for a diversion program. Completing the requirements of these programs can lead to your charges being dismissed.

Working with a skilled lawyer is important, as they can help you understand your options and choose the best strategy for your case.

For more information, a free initial consultation is your next best step. Get the information and legal answers you are seeking by calling (210) 225-2828 today

The Law Offices of Rudy Vasquez

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(210) 225-2828