Truck Accidents

When a big truck crashes, figuring out who’s responsible can be tricky. Sometimes it’s the truck driver’s fault if they were driving badly or not following the rules. But other times, the trucking company might be to blame. They could have pushed the driver to work too many hours or not fixed problems with the truck.


In some crashes, it’s not just one person’s fault. The truck maker could be responsible if they made a faulty part. Or the company that loaded the truck might have done it wrong, making the truck unsafe. Even the government could be at fault if the road was in bad shape. To figure it all out, investigators look closely at what happened and try to determine who should pay for the damage and injuries.
📞 Call now for a free consultation. We’ll talk about your accident, your injuries, and how we can fight for your rights together. Don’t wait—the insurance companies are already working to protect themselves. Let’s work together to protect you.

Call (210)225-2828 today.

The Law Offices of Rudy Vasquez

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(210) 225-2828