Legal Loan

A blue and black logo for the texas criminal defense lawyers association.

Don’t let legal problems become financial problems.

You lose your mom or dad, or your job, and you stay for one drink longer than you should have…UNEXPECTED DWI?

Out of the blue, your spouse tells you…I don’t love you anymore…UNEXPECTED DIVORCE?

Things get heated, you both push or hit each other out of anger or frustration, one of you is arrested, UNEXPECTED FAMILY VIOLENCE?

These are all legal emergencies that are not planned for, no money saved for and when you are living paycheck to paycheck it can be devastating.

You need a good attorney to help you through this mess but what if you don’t have the money to hire one. What are you going to do?

A San Antonio, Texas legal loan may be the answer. You could qualify for a low monthly payment and no penalty for early repayment.

Our San Antonio, TX legal loan lawyer is ready to help you get a fast answer so we can start working on your case as soon as you get approved.

Call The Law Offices of Rudy Vasquez in San Antonio, Texas at (210) 225-2828 for a Free Case Evaluation to speak with a San Antonio, Texas legal loan attorney. A San Antonio, TX legal loan lawyer can get you out of the mess you may find yourself in.

The Law Offices of Rudy Vasquez

Call Now For A Free Case Evaluation
(210) 225-2828